100 Days in Australia

Hello Internet! I know that this is out of my usual weekly schedule, but I figured that I couldn’t let 100 days in Australia go by without some kind of commemoration! So, in honour of 100 days in Australia I figured I’d put up my top 10 photos/events. 10....

So Close, and yet so far

Hello Internet! So the end draws ever nearer, I only have a week left of term! My first semester is nearly done! How scary is that? It’s gone so fast. So this week I finally got to go to Lamington National Park, which is about an hour and a half south of...

A tantalising taste of Marine Fieldwork

Hello Internet! This weekend through my Biol3206 (Australia’s Marine Vertebrates) course, I had my first proper insight into legit marine fieldwork (as opposed to teeny tiny itty bitty self-generated projects). I’m going to keep this post brief as...

The End is Nigh!

Hello Internet! Okay, so perhaps my title is a tad melodramatic, but it’s true! I’m nearly finished with my first semester here, that means I’m half way done with my year abroad studying! I am no where near ready to be half way done! Just no! The...

Back to Business

Hello Internet! So this week has been… interesting. Some of the IH students arranged a party which was basically a Hen and Stag do, the girls and boys were separated at first for the various house-parties and then we all met up and went to a few different bars...