Hello Internet!

Bunny ears were provided for the girls night out!

Bunny ears were provided for the girls night out!

So this week has been… interesting. Some of the IH students arranged a party which was basically a Hen and Stag do, the girls and boys were separated at first for the various house-parties and then we all met up and went to a few different bars and clubs in town. It was really nice to go out with the IH lot, as I haven’t been out in ages! However, true to form, I got bored of clubbing pretty early and went home early with a few other housies.

On a more serious note I managed to get a little bit of volunteering in, only for a few hours but it was still interesting! A phd student is working on seahares and climate change and what I had to do was to look at different treatments and count how many eggs had reached a certain developmental stage. I learnt how to use some new software and it was also good to be able to help out with some real lab work! I hope I can help out more as I really enjoyed it!

Now that I’m back from my Mid-Sem field trips I have to do the assignments associated with them. But not everyone has uploaded their data yet so I can’t do the stats correctly, which means I can’t do the results/analysis/discussion at all and it’s a little bit frustrating! However, it is giving me a good time slot in which to find all my references!

I’m also getting a little stressed over Christmas and New Years as I have no-where to live and I also don’t know if anyone will be around to spend it with! I need to work it out with my friends and see if any of them will be in Brisbane as I don’t much fancy being alone for my first Christmas away from home! I’m sure it’ll all work out. It’s early days!



But on a nicer note, HousieDay! Housie day is where the IH students put on all their merchandise, bleed black and gold (our college colours) and promote the housie spirit all day. It was lovely to see everyone so in the spirit of the day and there was a casual Bara Khana in the evening to celebrate some of the housies achievements so far this year. It was a really lovely day, and I got a free bucket hat! Win!

Campus in Bloom

Campus in Bloom