So this week has been pretty hectic to be fair. The start of the week was dominated by panicked revision for a test I had on Wednesday (84% – YES!) and helping to organise a birthday treat for one of my housemates.

I always forget how much I love this film...

I always forget how much I love this film…

The birthday treat on Wednesday was lovely, we went out for dinner to an amazing Mexican restaurant (I adore Mexican food) and then we were going to try and get the unsuspecting birthday girl into a pub where the rest of her friends were waiting to surprise her. When Lucy suggested that we go to that pub after the meal we were ecstatic, we’d been worrying all week about how to get her there without it being obvious for a few days. So we set off and the text was sent to alert those in the pub that we were on our way. Except we beat the text there, so it was one of the most gentle surprise birthdays I’ve ever seen as Lucy gradually spotted more and more of her friends and they spotted her. At least the cake was a surprise.

The next day it was time for my monthly vegan meals. Another one of my housemates is vegan, and once a month, as a kind of catch up, the vegan, myself and another one of our friends take it in turns to cook for each other. It’s getting quite entertaining now as the meals have turned into a decent sized portion and then we have the largest puddings known to man kind. So once a month I get not only a food coma so bacd I can barely move, but we all get a massive sugar high too. It was my turn to cook this month, so I cooked a vietnamese ‘Bun Cha’ with hoisin tofu (recipe from Jamie Oliver) and I threw in some vegan mock duck, which actually tastes pretty realistic. Pudding consisted of way too much spiced apple crumble, but we finished it all off and we were reduced to three groaning bodies, slumped on the sofas unable to move whilst we watched ice-age on the TV.  As much as I love these meals and all the food has been delicious, I still couldn’t be a vegan. I probably couldn’t even be a vegetarian, I love bacon/chicken curry too much. And cheese. That’s why I couldn’t be a vegan. And omelette. Now I’m hungry…

The extent of my artistic abilities! Well, I drew some other bits but I'm most proud of the whale.

The extent of my artistic abilities!
Well, I drew some other bits but I’m most proud of the whale.

Other than that I’ve been trying to catch up on myself and get all my work done so that I can revise over the holidays and not write up notes. Fingers crossed I’ll have made a huge dent in the pile by the end of this week.

One other thing that has been quite fun this week is the project we’re doing for my ‘exploitation of the seas’ module. We have to make a 3minute video for it, discussing the dilemmas of exploitation – so we’re looking at exploiting endangered animals and making a stop motion. I don’t think I’ll get a job with Disney or Pixar any time soon but it is great fun and I think it looks pretty good. I’ll try and post a link to it on here when we’re done and it’s all handed in. I might have to do the link once it’s all been graded…

I am aware that the last few posts have been fairly nothing-y, more diary entries than ‘Hey look, I have something interesting to say!’, so if my life is still fairly quiet next week, I may have to reminisce about Cyprus… lucky you!