Hello Internet!

So today we had our pre-departure meeting for all the study abroad students and it was really nice to actually see everyone that got a place! It was really great to have that final meeting as it now feels really concrete and official. Now I just have to wait for my forms so I can get my visa and then my flights.

It was a little terrifying to have the ‘you need insurance and beware of all this scary stuff’ talk but I’m still looking forwards to it. I’m well aware that a lot of things in Australia aren’t just cute and fluffy and cuddly, but I’m not exactly planning on hunting the dangerous things down so I should be okay – especially in a city!!

The flights are going to take forever. I’ve been to Singapore before and I figured it would probably only take a few hours more… but no. It takes another seven hours. I keep forgetting that Australia is gargantuan! Ace Geography skills there Harriet!

Here comes summer!!

Here comes summer!!

Some of us are planning on flying together to make the 24-38hours of flying more bearable, so that’ll be nice. We’re starting to look at flights this weekend so we can work out roughly when we’ll be going and how much it’ll all cost. We’re hoping to stop over in Singapore for a little bit to break it up!

However we can’t book flights until we have a Visa and I can’t get a visa until I get the final email from UQ so now it’s just a waiting game… hopefully they come soon!

Aside from the organisation for Australia, I’ve been lapping up the sun whilst doing my revision. I’ve taken to sitting under my window with it wide open to make the best of the fresh air whilst surrounded by mind maps and essay structures. Only two weeks until freedom. Two weeks.

One thing that I have rediscovered this week is the wonders of YouTube. I could spend hours on there procrastinating, made worse by the fact that I’ve discovered some vloggers that really make me laugh and so I’ve been using that as a procrastination technique… but only in the breaks of course!

The view as I revise. The sea is just over those houses. So close!

The view as I revise. The sea is just over those houses. So close!

The weather is glorious though, the trees and flowers are all in bloom now. I have a feeling the seagulls may be planning to nest on our roof again, which is lovely, but they were noisy once they hatched. Hopefully we’ll have moved out by then!

I adore summer (incase you hadn’t guessed), I love the sun and the heat and all the greenery everywhere and it’s just amazing. I’m so happy that I get to live by the sea and experience summer in Cornwall with all my friends. My mood is considerably brighter when the sun’s out (and I’m not cold)! Or it could be due to the fact that over summer there is no school/university so you have no assignments or deadlines. That always helps!

I can’t believe I have so little time left here now! It’s gone so fast! I have a week of exams, a week of diving and three weeks living the falmouth life with my friends before it’s time to move out, go on a field trip to Scotland (also very exciting) and then finally hop on a plane and leave. It’s going to be a busy two months that’s all I can say! But it’ll be totally worth it. I can’t wait!

