Hello Internet!

So I’ve been back for a week now and although it is lovely being back, there are less distractions, so I actually have to do revision. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the end of the year, or because the weather is gorgeous, but I am finding it exceptionally hard to motivate myself to revise. The exams are less than two weeks away! I have been revising, but usually I can focus and plough on through whereas this term it seems to be taking me a while to get stuck in and then I lose interest pretty quickly. It’s awful since these are modules I’m genuinely interested in! (Hopefully inspiration will strike soon!)


On a more positive note, I have the diving bug again. I went in the the dive shop on Saturday to do my 1st aid academics. To get me back in the water I went in the pool for a refresh and then we were going to go in the sea, but the weather turned. Despite not going for a dive-dive I loved just getting in the water again, so I can’t wait until my exams are over and I can get my last few specialism dives out of the way. I think I have two days worth of Stress and Rescue dives and then 2 deep dives and 2 navigation dives left. Woop! Then I’m going to stop on the qualification front for a while and just have fun diving! I think I’ve only ever gone on three non-qualification dives!

Other than diving and revision not much has happened. Slowly housemates and other friends are drifting back to Falmouth and the exams march ever closer. But then, so does my freedom. Each day the start of exams gets closer so does the start of summer and I cannot wait. My friends and I have so many plans for such a short space of time. I just hope the weather is as glorious as it was last year!