Hello Internet!

Trying to be arty on the beach

Trying to be arty on the beach

Today was less interesting in the ‘I did all of these things, look how busy I was!’ kind-of way, but it was fabulous in the fact that I got to do my first piece of marine-themed research!

In groups (pre-determined) we had to come up with a simple 1-day research question and then collect the data and analyse it all ready to present on the Sunday morning. Our group decided to look at the distribution of stingray pits on the shoreline, seeing whether the depth/distance from high shore made a difference on the number and/or size of rays, whether they were closer together and whether there was any difference in where small and large rays were found. I haven’t finished doing all the stats yet, but what we have found back up our initial predictions: There are more rays in areas that are deeper/covered for longer and the larger ray-pits tended to be closer to the low tide line.

It was a pretty simple project, and it is all fairly common sense, but working out the distribution and behaviour of animals is important – plus, it was good practice to get another project done. Now I just need to do the write up, which accounts for 20% of this modules grade! It should be okay though I think, I know what I want to say and what I need to find out so hopefully it won’t take me too long…

Sting ray pit

Sting ray pit

We didn’t really do much else with the day, the morning was dedicated to finding background information, the afternoon was data collection and the evening was spent trying to analyse all the data and resisting the urge to throw my computer through the nearest window when R (A stats program) decided to be completely unhelpful.

Either a Forest or a Sacred Kingfisher

Either a Forest or a Sacred Kingfisher