Hello internet!

Well I told the weather to give me the best its got and it has! It has been lovely weather for the last few weeks.


Mum and I went for a lovely walk around Sissinghurst castle and the estate, we got ice-creams and took loads of photos and it was a great day!

The whole weekend we were out in the sun. Friday evening and Sunday my parents and I went to Tentertainment (another local music festival) and ate hot-dogs (and candyfloss) and listened to the bands in the glorious sunshine. Mum was very excited about Coco and the Butterfields, who I have to say were pretty good!

Saturday saw our family friends and a few family members descend on our back garden for a BBQ and then a Double 6 gig in the evening. Since it was the last time I’d be seeing quite a few of them before my year abroad there were a lot of goodbyes, which was weird, since it still doesn’t feel very imminent, but I am leaving in less than a week. This time next week I will be on the other side of this planet! Now thats a weird thing to think!

Sissinghurst castle towers from the walled Garden

Sissinghurst castle towers from the walled Garden

Aside from that I have finished series 5 of Game of Thrones, watched a lot of Wimbledon and started packing. So 30kg is not as much as I thought it was! I am pretty much packed, I now just need to keep taking stuff out until it weighs the correct amount. Which is my next big job. Eugh. Wish me luck!

It’s kinda scary to think that I fly in four days now! I don’t feel ready at all! Eep!

My favourite picture from the Sissinghurst walk 

My favourite picture from the Sissinghurst walk