All the modules I can

Greetings! I figured I should write a little bit about my University education, as that has definitely helped me hone my interests. I have always loved the sea and have been fascinated by the life found within it, but I figured that doing a broader degree (Zoology)...

Ready? Set? Go!

Hello Internet! So this week has been slightly insane! Everything that I’ve been working on over the last few weeks is coming to a close!  I had my 40% Inverts mid sem this week, which everyone had been really freaking out about since apparently people failed...

An Organisational Nightmare

Hello Internet! In case you couldn’t guess, this week has been ever so slightly challenging trying to get everything organised! I’ve been trying to organise maybe doing my Dive Master when I get back, looking at more houses for final year, trying to book the end of...

Slow and steady wins the race

Hello Internet! So this week has felt a little overwhelming, but I’m just keeping my head down and ploughing through the work as best I can. I’ve had the realisation today how soon all my big deadlines are and I feel no where near being even remotely...