Hello Internet!


It’s been another busy week, but this is the last week before mid semester break so everything’s been winding down. I’ve handed in my last assignments do I’m on cloud nine, I’m packed for the first field trip and ready to go on an adventure! It should be good!

Friday was a friends 21st and another’s 22nd, so naturally we had a house-party, which was great fun! It’s one of two times in Aus that we’ve just stayed in and I really enjoyed it, it was a brilliant night. Then the next day we went out for a more sophisticated celebration in the form of a meal before all getting an early night!

This week was also to Mid-Autumn Festival, which was a brilliant evening. The college was decorated with fairy lights and little lanterns, there was lots of different foods to try and activities to do and they had a Lion Dance too! It was a really nice evening, getting to experience other cultures and just hang out with friends!

I also managed to catch up with a lot of the group from home this week, skyping people for the first time since getting to Australia. My excuse is that they were all off on their holidays so it was hard to pin them down, but in actual fact we just suck at coordinating times etc. It was lovely to see everyone though and some of the questions were quite funny! It felt very odd to be talking to them from the other side of the world!


My next ten days will be field trip central, so I will try and do a post every day, so I can remember my adventures and so you guys can read about them too! I can’t wait, it’s going to be hectic and hard work but so much fun!
