Hello Internet!

Well, incase you couldn’t guess from the title, this week has been a load of lasts which has been making me feel rather sentimental. It’s not that I’m never coming back to Falmouth, I have to to finish my degree, but when I come back a good a good chunk of the people I know will have moved on which is a little sad, but it gives me an excuse to make the most of this free time we have!

Saturday was a great laugh, it was the Under the Sea party up on Campus, so Frances, Hannah, Susie and I dressed up and headed back up to Penryn. I’d dyed the ends of my hair blue and green, and I really loved it. If I can ever be bothered to get round to it I might do that more permanently than one night… but that’ll probably never happen! The event was really good, I haven’t gone to many campus events this year as it involves getting buses and taxis, but that has made me enjoy the few I’ve gone to even more.

Monday evening found the usual group of us at The Shed for cocktails and a gossip.

Blue hair and scales on ma face!

Blue hair and scales on ma face!

The Shed is possibly one of my favourite bars in Falmouth, their drinks are just so good! A trip to The Shed also means a good gossip session too, which is always a good laugh! Unless I go there when friends/family come down I doubt I’ll be going to Shed again before I jet off around the world, so goodbye to The Shed too!

If The Shed is my favourite bar in town, then the Thai Orchid is most definitely my favourite restaurant. Every time I go I have the same thing, I consider having something different but their red curry is so divine I don’t want to miss out! Ohh now I really want Thai food again and it’s only been a few days! On Tuesday evening the six of us (Catherine, Frances, Susie, Hannah, Kirsten and I) were together in a group, just us, for the first time in a long time and it was hilarious. The food was delicious and it was a lovely night, we were probably in there for around three hours and my cheeks hurt from laughing so much. It was great to have one last get together of just us before we all head off to different places for the summer!

The Six having a lovely meal out

The Six having a lovely meal out

The following night, Wednesday, my old flat from first year halls all met up for the first time in ages! It was a very surreal evening as it was the first time meeting up in someone’s house, not a restaurant, since moving out of halls. Weirder still was the fact that it was the last time I might see some of them and that one of the girls had just gotten married! So a lot of the conversation focussed on how married life was treating her! When we all lived in halls we had a flat meal every Sunday evening, where we’d cook for the whole group and then watch either the next Harry Potter film (First term) or a Disney movie (Second term), so as a nod to our old tradition we ordered Dominoes in and curled up in front of the TV to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Once again it was a lovely night and it will possibly be the last time I see some of these girls unless we organise a B3 flat reunion!

B3 reunited!

B3 reunited!

Lastly, tonight will be my last night when I go to town and go clubbing with all my mates. It’s really weird to think that I’m not coming back for a good 14/15 months!