Hello internet!


So now that I’m free my parents decided to treat their nerdy daughter and take her to the Coral Reef Exhibition at the Natural History Museum. It was really good! I loved seeing some of the history and equipment used in exploration and research and the examples of coral were cool too. Some of them were huge! I honestly can’t wait to get out to Australia and see a real reef!


They also had videos about current research that was happening, so I made my parents watch all of them! Hopefully it’ll be me in a few years, swimming around the reefs doing research and having a whale of a time!

We then wandered around the mammal exhibit and the wildlife garden before heading off to the tube to Sloane Square so we could go to the exhibition in Chelsea to see a stall my Dad had helped do the design work for. We got to go on a red carpet! It was so surreal, but the exhibition was really interesting and we got to go in a golf cart (I am 20 I swear!).
