Hello Internet!

I’M 21!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!!

So this weekend I had my 21st birthday. It was a little sucky in that it was in the middle of exams, but it was still a lot of fun. Pretty much all my cards turned up on time which was really lovely as people would have had to put everything in the post ages ago! I also got a new camera from my parents which has a dive case – I am so excited to go diving, and this is perfect timing for my dive trip in a little over two weeks! (wow that’s soon!) But safe to say I have been thoroughly spoiled!! I even managed to get free churros since it was my birthday and it was so sickly but so, so good! As for celebrating my birthday out here, I went out for a meal at a local Mexican restaurant with a few friends and then went to go see the new James Bond movie, Spectre, at the cinema. It was a really lovely day, they got me a cake and cards and generally had a great time. After James Bond we headed back home and I chatted to my family in the UK.

Other than that this week saw a lot more revision and my MARS2005 Australia’s Marine Environment exam, which I think went pretty well. It was quite entertaining though as some people had already finished exams and so whilst I was revising people would come visit, and drunk people trying to help you revise is always quite fun!