Hello Internet!

Well this is a new experience, I’m attempting to write a blog post on my phone since there is apparently an app!

All ready and set for the 7 hour journey home!

All ready and set for the 7 hour journey home!

I write this post from my (slightly cluttered due to boxes) room back home in Kent! I am no longer in Cornwall! The day after the last post I packed up all my worldly possessions and then on saturday my parents arrived with a hire van.

It was lovely to see my parents again. One of the things I always say is that I don’t really miss things or places, I miss people. I didn’t really miss home but I have missed my parents. Similarly, now I’m gone, I don’t so much miss the house and Cornwall, but rather the people and the memories I have there.
That evening the rents and I took a turn about Falmouth, my dad going on a minor photography spree and then we went to dinner at my favourite Thai restaurant. Early the next morning we packed up the van, grabbed a breakfast at Spoons and hit the road. My dad didn’t think we’d need a van – he was wrong!

Sunday evening I saw my aunt Zoe and Colin again (another last before I leave) and we had a nice meal before they left the following morning, meaning I then had the joyous task of unpacking.

Myself, Sophie, Catherine and Frances on our way up to the North!

Myself, Sophie, Catherine and Frances on our way up to the North!

Pretty much my belongings were divided into ‘bin bound’, ‘storage for year four’ and ‘put this away somewhere for now’. It took forever and I think I just about broke my mum in the process as she helped (it would have take ten times as long alone). However, I was quite ruthless and everything is now organised.

That brings us to the present. Yesterday was another day of mad packing and preparation as I’ve left home once again, but this time it’s for a week long field trip in Scotland for my university course!

After a hectic morning of rushing through the underground with a huge rucksack on my back I am finally on the train headed for Glasgow with Sophie, Catherine and Frances. I guess we’re somewhere in the Midlands by how flat it all is!

With a weeks worth of food, walking boots and ID guides at the ready I’m really looking forwards to my first proper sciencey field trip, especially since I’ve never been further north than Chester. Scotland here we come!!