Hello Internet!

Cloisters, courtyards, fountains and trees. Gorgeous.

Cloisters, courtyards, fountains and trees. Gorgeous.

It’s been a quiet week this week since returning from Stradbroke Island. It’s just bee mooching around campus and college and making my way through my next load of assignments.  I have to say, as the weather gets warmer and the trees and flowers are coming into bloom this campus gets prettier and prettier. There are small courtyards with fountains, cloisters, huge impressive buildings, trees everywhere, open grass courtyards, lakes, green hillsides… It’s such a gorgeous place, it’s unreal! I feel very lucky to be here. For such a large university it doesn’t have the big campus or big city feel, which personally makes it a lot more relaxing, it’s lovely just to go for a wander around the grounds in your time off!

It’s been 4 days since coming back from the MARS2005 trip and I must admit, I’m beginning to feel the pressure. I have the conservation report due, the report from this trip, the Research proposal for Marine vertebrates and a mid semester exam for Australia’s terrestrial environment. All in all this is over 100% worth of assignments! I do have time to get it all done, it just means I’ll have to be a social hermit for a few weeks which sucks, but at least once these are out of the way it’s time for field trips and then the last half of semester should be pretty chilled out!

It’s also hit me how  fast these two months have gone! I’ll be home in no time which is terrifying, I’ll have to get a wiggle on and see as much as I can.

Tropical Paradise?

Tropical Paradise?

Safe to say I have loved my year abroad so far and I can’t wait for the upcoming weeks despite the assessments! I’m supposed to be going diving, on field trips and hopefully get to explore the surrounding area a bit more! It’s gonna rock!