Hello internet!

Even though it is winter here, the warm sun and clear skies is making me feel so happy and summery it’s unreal! If this is winter then I have set myself up for a 15 month summer!! (I left and will return to the UK summer) So, true to form, I have made myself a playlist to make myself feel even more summery and everything is officially awes


ome! I just want to grab a car, go on a road trip and see what Australia has to offer! Unfortunately I’ll have to wait for November for that, but until then I can still do weekend trips and the field trips that I have successfully signed up for. I managed to get all the ones I wanted so I am now going to Heron Island, Fraser Island, Moreton bay (twice) and many other day trips… this is lining up to be a fabulous semester! Add in plans to go whale watching and diving as much as possible – and with the Sunshine and Gold Coasts only being an hour or two away – I think I’m going to be a very busy girl!


As of Sunday I am now an ‘official’ housie at IH. We had a brotherhood initiation where we went round the college grounds completing challenges, getting coated in muck and drenched in water but it was great fun. I now have my IH shirt, so the Australia memorabilia is piling up quite well!

Work has piled up quite spectacularly during this week! I have 50 odd fish to draw and lots of reading to get done but I have the majority of the weekend to do it all so I should be okay! Then I can carry on doing all the amazing things that are being offered left, right and centre!


Last weekend IH went to Australia Zoo and it was great, wandering round all the exhibits and seeing the show they did at the big ‘Crocodile Coliseum’ was a great way to finish up our freshers weekend. It was also quite nice going to the home of the Crocodile Hunter – I used to love the series when I was a kid, so actually getting to go to the zoo was like a blast from the past!

Aside from that it was one of my friends 22nd birthday this week, so a group of us went to the West End (its so weird to be using names I associate with somewhere else) and had a delicious but very filling Thai meal! I’ll definitely be taking my parents there when they come to visit!

I’ll leave it here with the waffling, otherwise this blog will turn into a fantastic form of procrastination and I already have my first few projects to complete and today is the day of my first deadline!

Until next time!
